Thursday, February 7, 2013

Gaming Technology


Gaming Technology

I see Academic gaming as a way to get students involved. Kids love playing games; combining learning and gaming together, what could be more perfect than that???
As a young student back in the late 1990s through early 2000s, I loved the game Oregon Trail. I would get so excited when it was computer time just so I could play it. Not only was I enjoying playing a game, but I was also learning; Social Studies and come Science.
I also remember playing the game Jeopardy. We played Jeopardy as a study guide for upcoming tests. It was a very efficient game for us. Students were engaging in the game. Why?? Because it was a GAME (also because it made us feel like we were on TV). It was way better than having a lame study guide that we had to read over and study.

Twitter in the Classroom


Twitter in the Classrooms..
By: Qua'Neika Thomas

Twitter in classrooms... Yay? or Nay? NAY x1000000 for me. I really do not see the need for having Twitter in classrooms. I just don't see where learning and Twitter mix. Why? Students may use it improperly; tweeting friends and celebs, other than what they're suppose to be doing. Also, I plan on teaching Elementary Education and I feel like kids should not be on Social websites; I even disagree with my 8 year old brother having a Twitter account.

  How would you know what the student is really doing while you are trying to teach? The improper use by the student will affect the classroom. They could be tweeting other students in the class about social things and not doing the work that you assigned, or not applying Twitter to what you want them to do.
Twitter is not a website for kids. There are many inappropriate things you find on Twitter. People talking about drugs, alcohol, sex, etc. Yes, they hear about these things in the world; but this is a classroom, a school. They should be learning, not tweeting. Twitter and learning; two different things, that should not intertwine in my opinion.